Iberti Guitars
B i o g r a p h y
I got my first guitar when I was twelve years old. My life would never be the same. I started playing songs I learned from the Kingston Trio, The Weavers, Peter Paul and Mary and on and on. When I learned to finger pick ala Mississippi John Hurt, I thought I went to heaven. I have been playing the acoustic steel string guitar ever since. As I reflect back on fifty-three years of guitar playing, two things come to mind-shouldn't I be lot better by now? and, what a load of fun it has been. I highly recommend it!
My first exposure to guitar construction came when I was given a sixties vintage Martin D-35 which had a vacuum cleaner dropped on it's top. The top was badly damaged and the owner abandoned the guitar. I went about fixing it piece by piece and it became a working guitar again. I took it to Los Gatos music and the owners father, who handled the repair department offered me a job on the spot. In spite of my limited experience, I was taking home five to ten guitars a week to repair for the shop. I truly was learning on the job. I have been studying the guitar ever since. I built my first guitar in 1972. I didn't continue with guitarmaking but was drawn to millwork-specifically custom wood doors and entries. After some 20 years I sold my door-making company and returned to guitarmaking again. I consider it a priviledge to build guitars. A guitar is an exquisite sculpture which just happens to produce tones which delight the human ear. To create an instrument that is visually pleasing and sonically exceptional is my goal. To do this is a joy.